版本:下个版本 🚧


项目配置在项目目录中的wails.json文件中。 配置的结构是:

"name": "[项目名称]",
"assetdir": "[资源目录的相对路径]",
"reloaddirs": "[触发重新加载的附加目录(逗号分隔),这仅用于一些重要资源配置]",
"frontend:install": "[安装 node 依赖的命令,在 frontend 目录下运行 - 通常是 `npm install`]",
"frontend:build": "[构建资源的命令,在 frontend 目录下运行 - 通常是 `npm run build`]",
"frontend:dev": "[此命令已被 frontend:dev:build 替代。 If frontend:dev:build is not specified will falls back to this command. If frontend:dev:build is not specified will falls back to this command. 如果没有指定 frontend:dev:build 将回退到该命令,如果此命令也没有指定将回退到 frontend:build]",
"frontend:dev:build": "[此命令等效于开发模式中的 frontend:build,如果没有指定则回退到 frontend:dev]",
"frontend:dev:install": "[此命令等效于开发模式中的 frontend:install,如果没有指定则只有 frontend:install]",
"frontend:dev:watcher": "[此命令在 `wails dev` 上的单独进程中运行。 If not specified falls back to frontend:dev]",
"frontend:dev:install": "[This command is the dev equivalent of frontend:install. If not specified falls back to frontend:install]",
"frontend:dev:watcher": "[This command is run in a separate process on `wails dev`. Useful for 3rd party watchers or starting 3d party dev servers]",
"frontend:dev:serverUrl": "[URL to a 3rd party dev server to be used to serve assets, EG Vite. 对第 3 方观察者有用]",
"frontend:dev:serverUrl": "[使用第三方开发服务器提供资源,比如 Vite",
"wailsjsdir": "[自动生成的JS模块将被创建的目录的相对路径]",
"version": "[项目配置版本]",
"outputfilename": "[二进制文件的名称]",
"debounceMS": 100, // 在检测到资源更改时,开发服务器等待重新加载的时间
"devServer": "[将 wails 开发服务器绑定到的地址。 默认:localhost:34115]",
"appargs": "[在dev模式下以shell样式传递给应用程序的参数]",
"runNonNativeBuildHooks": false, // 定义构建钩子是否应该运行,尽管它们是为主机操作系统以外的操作系统定义的。
"preBuildHooks": {
"GOOS/GOARCH": "[The command that will be executed before a build of the specified GOOS/GOARCH: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH". The "GOOS/GOARCH" hook is executed before the "GOOS/*" and "*/*" hook.]",
"GOOS/*": "[The command that will be executed before a build of the specified GOOS: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH". The "GOOS/*" hook is executed before the "*/*" hook.]",
"*/*": "[The command that will be executed before every build: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH".]"
"postBuildHooks": {
"GOOS/GOARCH": "[在构建指定的 GOOS/GOARCH 后将执行的命令:${platform} 替换为'GOOS/GOARCH',${bin} 替换为编译后的二进制文件的路径。 The "GOOS/GOARCH" hook is executed before the "GOOS/*" and "*/*" hook.]",
"GOOS/*": "[The command that will be executed before a build of the specified GOOS: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH". The "GOOS/GOARCH" hook is executed before the "GOOS/*" and "*/*" hook.]",
"GOOS/*": "[The command that will be executed before a build of the specified GOOS: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH". The "GOOS/GOARCH" hook is executed before the "GOOS/*" and "*/*" hook.]",
"GOOS/*": "[The command that will be executed before a build of the specified GOOS: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH". The "GOOS/*" hook is executed before the "*/*" hook.]",
"*/*": "[The command that will be executed before every build: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH".]"
"postBuildHooks": {
"GOOS/GOARCH": "[在构建指定的 GOOS/GOARCH 后将执行的命令:${platform} 替换为'GOOS/GOARCH',${bin} 替换为编译后的二进制文件的路径。
"GOOS/*": "[在构建指定的 GOOS 后将执行的命令:${platform} 替换为'GOOS/GOARCH',${bin} 替换为编译后的二进制文件的路径。 'GOOS/GOARCH'钩子在'GOOS/*'和'*/*'钩子之前执行。 ]",
"GOOS/*": "[在构建指定的 GOOS 后将执行的命令:${platform} 替换为'GOOS/GOARCH',${bin} 替换为编译后的二进制文件的路径。 'GOOS/*'钩子在'*/*'钩子之前执行。 ]",
"*/*": "[每次构建后将执行的命令:${platform} 替换为'GOOS/GOARCH',${bin} 替换为编译后的二进制文件的路径。
"info": {
// 用于填充 manifests 和 version 信息的数据。
"companyName": "[公司名称。 默认: [项目名]]",
"productName": "[产品名称。 默认: [项目名]]",
"productVersion": "[产品的版本。 默认: '1.0.0']",
"copyright": "[产品的版权。 默认: 'Copyright.........']",
"comments": "[该应用程序的简短注释。 默认: 'Built using Wails (https://wails.app)']"
"nsisType": "['multiple': 每个架构一个安装程序。 'single': 适用于所有正在构建的架构的单一通用安装程序。 默认: 'multiple']"

该文件将在运行wails buildwails dev时,由 Wails CLI 读取。

wails build/dev命令中的assetdirreloaddirswailsjsdirdebounceMSdevserverfrontenddevserverurl标志将覆盖项目配置并作为后续运行的默认值。