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Application Options

The Options.App struct contains the application configuration. It is passed to the wails.Run() method:

import ""

func main() {

err := wails.Run(&options.App{
Title: "Menus Demo",
Width: 800,
Height: 600,
DisableResize: false,
Fullscreen: false,
Frameless: true,
MinWidth: 400,
MinHeight: 400,
MaxWidth: 1280,
MaxHeight: 1024,
StartHidden: false,
HideWindowOnClose: false,
BackgroundColour: &options.RGBA{R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255},
AlwaysOnTop: false,
Assets: assets,
AssetsHandler: assetsHandler,
Menu: app.applicationMenu(),
Logger: nil,
LogLevel: logger.DEBUG,
LogLevelProduction: logger.ERROR,
OnStartup: app.startup,
OnDomReady: app.domready,
OnShutdown: app.shutdown,
OnBeforeClose: app.beforeClose,
WindowStartState: options.Maximised,
CSSDragProperty: "--wails-draggable",
CSSDragValue: "drag",
Bind: []interface{}{
Windows: &windows.Options{
WebviewIsTransparent: false,
WindowIsTranslucent: false,
DisableWindowIcon: false,
DisableFramelessWindowDecorations: false,
WebviewUserDataPath: "",
WebviewBrowserPath: "",
Theme: windows.SystemDefault,
CustomTheme: &windows.ThemeSettings{
DarkModeTitleBar: windows.RGB(20, 20, 20),
DarkModeTitleText: windows.RGB(200, 200, 200),
DarkModeBorder: windows.RGB(20, 0, 20),
LightModeTitleBar: windows.RGB(200, 200, 200),
LightModeTitleText: windows.RGB(20, 20, 20),
LightModeBorder: windows.RGB(200, 200, 200),
// User messages that can be customised
Messages *windows.Messages
Mac: &mac.Options{
TitleBar: &mac.TitleBar{
TitlebarAppearsTransparent: true,
HideTitle: false,
HideTitleBar: false,
FullSizeContent: false,
UseToolbar: false,
HideToolbarSeparator: true,
Appearance: mac.NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua,
WebviewIsTransparent: true,
WindowIsTranslucent: false,
About: &mac.AboutInfo{
Title: "My Application",
Message: "© 2021 Me",
Icon: icon,
Linux: &linux.Options{
Icon: icon,
if err != nil {


The text shown in the window's title bar.

Type: string


The initial width of the window.

Name: Width


Type: int

Type: AppearanceType


By default, the main window is resizable. Setting this to true will keep it a fixed size.

Type: int


Setting this to true will make the window fullscreen at startup.

Type: int


When set to true, the window will have no borders or title bar. Also see Frameless Windows.

Type: int


This sets the minimum width for the window. If the value given in Width is less than this value, the window will be set to MinWidth by default.

Type: bool


This sets the minimum height for the window. If the value given in Height is less than this value, the window will be set to MinHeight by default.

Type: bool


This sets the maximum width for the window. If the value given in Width is more than this value, the window will be set to MaxWidth by default.

Type: bool


This sets the maximum height for the window. If the value given in Height is more than this value, the window will be set to MaxHeight by default.

Type: bool


When set to true, the application will be hidden until WindowShow is called.

Type: int


By default, closing the window will close the application. Setting this to true means closing the window will hide the window instead.

hide the window instead.

Type: int


This value is the default background colour of the window. Default: white

Type: *options.RGBA Example: options.NewRGBA(255,0,0,128) - Red at 50% transparency


Indicates that the window should stay above other windows when losing focus.

Type: int


The frontend assets to be used by the application. Requires an index.html file.

Name: StartHidden


When set to true, the application will be hidden until WindowShow is called.

Request Headers
Request Body
Request Body Streaming
Response StatusCodes
Response Headers
Response Body
Response Body Streaming

NOTE: Linux is currently very limited due to targeting a WebKit2GTK Version < 2.36.0. In the future some features will be supported by the introduction of WebKit2GTK 2.36.0+ support.

NOTE: When used in combination with a Frontend DevServer there might be limitations, eg. Vite serves the index.html on every path, that does not contain a file extension.

Type: http.Handler

The menu to be used by the application. More details about Menus in the Menu Reference.

NOTE: On Mac, if no menu is specified, a default menu will be created. :::

Type: *menu.Menu


The logger to be used by the application. More details about logging in the Log Reference.

Type: bool


The default log level. More details about logging in the Log Reference.

Name: Assets


The default log level for production builds. More details about logging in the Log Reference.

Type: logger.LogLevel


This callback is called after the frontend has been created, but before index.html has been loaded. It is given the application context.

Name: AssetsHandler


This callback is called after the frontend has loaded index.html and its resources. It is given the application context.

Name: AssetsHandler


This callback is called after the frontend has been destroyed, just before the application terminates. It is given the application context.

Name: AssetsHandler


If this callback is set, it will be called when the application is about to quit, either by clicking the window close button or calling runtime.Quit. Returning true will cause the application to continue, false will continue shutdown as normal. This is good for confirming with the user that they wish to exit the program.


func (b *App) beforeClose(ctx context.Context) (prevent bool) {
dialog, err := runtime.MessageDialog(ctx, runtime.MessageDialogOptions{
Type: runtime.QuestionDialog,
Title: "Quit?",
Message: "Are you sure you want to quit?",

if err != nil {
return false
return dialog != "Yes"

Type: func(ctx context.Context) bool


Defines how the window should present itself at startup.


Name: Logger


Indicates the CSS property to use to identify which elements can be used to drag the window. Default: --wails-draggable.

Type: string


Indicates what value the CSSDragProperty style should have to drag the window. Default: drag.

Type: string


A slice of struct instances defining methods that need to be bound to the frontend.

Default: Logger to Stdout


This defines Windows specific options.

Name: LogLevel


This defines Mac specific options.

Default: Info in dev mode, Error in production mode


This defines Linux specific options.

Name: LogLevelProduction

Windows Specific Options


Setting this to true will make the webview background transparent when an alpha value of 0 is used. This means that if you use rgba(0,0,0,0) for background-color in your CSS, the host window will show through. Often combined with WindowIsTranslucent to make frosty-looking applications.

Type: int


Setting this to true will make the window background translucent. Often combined with WebviewIsTransparent to make frosty-looking applications.

Type: int


Setting this to true will remove the icon in the top left corner of the title bar.

Type: int


Setting this to true will remove the window decorations in Frameless mode. This means there will be no 'Aero Shadow' and no 'Rounded Corners' shown for the window. Please note that 'Rounded Corners' are only supported on Windows 11.

Type: int


This defines the path where the WebView2 stores the user data. If empty %APPDATA%\[BinaryName.exe] will be used.

Type: string


This defines the path to a directory with WebView2 executable files and libraries. If empty, webview2 installed in the system will be used.

Important information about distribution of fixed version runtime:

Type: string


Minimum Windows Version: Windows 10 2004/20H1

This defines the theme that the application should use:

SystemDefaultDefault. The theme will be based on the system default. If the user changes their theme, the application will update to use the new setting
DarkThe application will use a dark theme exclusively
LightThe application will use a light theme exclusively

Type: windows.Theme


Name: WindowStartState

Type: options.WindowStartState

Type: windows.CustomTheme

Name: CustomTheme

The CustomTheme struct uses int32 to specify the colour values. These are in the standard(!) Windows format of: 0x00BBGGAA. A helper function is provided to do RGB conversions into this format: windows.RGB(r,g,b uint8).

NOTE: Any value not provided will default to black.

type ThemeSettings struct {
DarkModeTitleBar int32
DarkModeTitleBarInactive int32
DarkModeTitleText int32
DarkModeTitleTextInactive int32
DarkModeBorder int32
DarkModeBorderInactive int32
LightModeTitleBar int32
LightModeTitleBarInactive int32
LightModeTitleText int32
LightModeTitleTextInactive int32
LightModeBorder int32
LightModeBorderInactive int32


    CustomTheme: &windows.ThemeSettings{
// Theme to use when window is active
DarkModeTitleBar: windows.RGB(255, 0, 0), // Red
DarkModeTitleText: windows.RGB(0, 255, 0), // Green
DarkModeBorder: windows.RGB(0, 0, 255), // Blue
LightModeTitleBar: windows.RGB(200, 200, 200),
LightModeTitleText: windows.RGB(20, 20, 20),
LightModeBorder: windows.RGB(200, 200, 200),
// Theme to use when window is inactive
DarkModeTitleBarInactive: windows.RGB(128, 0, 0),
DarkModeTitleTextInactive: windows.RGB(0, 128, 0),
DarkModeBorderInactive: windows.RGB(0, 0, 128),
LightModeTitleBarInactive: windows.RGB(100, 100, 100),
LightModeTitleTextInactive: windows.RGB(10, 10, 10),
LightModeBorderInactive: windows.RGB(100, 100, 100),


Name: Windows

Type: *windows.Messages

Customise this for any language you choose to support.


ResizeDebounceMS is the amount of time to debounce redraws of webview2 when resizing the window. The default value (0) will perform redraws as fast as it can.

Type: *mac.Options


If set, this function will be called when windows initiates a switch to low power mode (suspend/hibernate)

Name: Linux


If set, this function will be called when windows resumes from low power mode (suspend/hibernate)

Name: Linux

Mac Specific Options


The TitleBar struct provides the ability to configure the look and feel of the title bar.

Type: bool


Appearance is used to set the style of your app in accordance with Apple's NSAppearance names.

Name: WindowIsTranslucent


Setting this to true will make the webview background transparent when an alpha value of 0 is used. This means that if you use rgba(0,0,0,0) for background-color in your CSS, the host window will show through. Often combined with WindowIsTranslucent to make frosty-looking applications.

Type: int


Setting this to true will make the window background translucent. Often combined with WebviewIsTransparent to make frosty-looking applications.

Type: int


This configuration lets you set the title, message and icon for the "About" menu item in the app menu created by the "AppMenu" role.

Name: DisableFramelessWindowDecorations

Titlebar struct

The titlebar of the application can be customised by using the TitleBar options:

type TitleBar struct {
TitlebarAppearsTransparent bool
HideTitle bool
HideTitleBar bool
FullSizeContent bool
UseToolbar bool
HideToolbarSeparator bool
TitlebarAppearsTransparentMakes the titlebar transparent. This has the effect of hiding the titlebar and the content fill the window. Apple Docs
HideTitleHides the title of the window. Apple Docs
HideTitleBarRemoves NSWindowStyleMaskTitled from the style mask
FullSizeContentMakes the webview fill the entire window. Apple Docs
UseToolbarAdds a default toolbar to the window. Apple Docs
HideToolbarSeparatorRemoves the line beneath the toolbar. Apple Docs

Preconfigured titlebar settings are available:



Mac: &mac.Options{
TitleBar: mac.TitleBarHiddenInset(),

Click here for some inspiration on customising the titlebar.

Appearance type

You can specify the application's appearance.

DefaultAppearanceDefaultAppearance uses the default system value
NSAppearanceNameAquaThe standard light system appearance
NSAppearanceNameDarkAquaThe standard dark system appearance
NSAppearanceNameVibrantLightThe light vibrant appearance
NSAppearanceNameAccessibilityHighContrastAquaA high-contrast version of the standard light system appearance
NSAppearanceNameAccessibilityHighContrastDarkAquaA high-contrast version of the standard dark system appearance
NSAppearanceNameAccessibilityHighContrastVibrantLightA high-contrast version of the light vibrant appearance
NSAppearanceNameAccessibilityHighContrastVibrantDarkA high-contrast version of the dark vibrant appearance


Mac: &mac.Options{
Appearance: mac.NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua,

About struct

type AboutInfo struct {
Title string
Message string
Icon []byte

If these settings are provided, an "About" menu item will appear in the app menu (when using the AppMenu role). Given this configuration:

//go:embed build/appicon.png
var icon []byte

func main() {
err := wails.Run(&options.App{
Mac: &mac.Options{
About: &mac.AboutInfo{
Title: "My Application",
Message: "© 2021 Me",
Icon: icon,

The "About" menu item will appear in the app menu:

When clicked, that will open an about message box:

Linux Specific Options


Sets up the icon representing the window. This icon is used when the window is minimized (also known as iconified).

Type: []byte

Some window managers or desktop environments may also place it in the window frame, or display it in other contexts. On others, the icon is not used at all, so your mileage may vary.

NOTE: Gnome on Wayland at least does not display this icon. To have a application icon there, a .desktop file has to be used. On KDE it should work.

The icon should be provided in whatever size it was naturally drawn; that is, don’t scale the image before passing it. Scaling is postponed until the last minute, when the desired final size is known, to allow best quality.