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Wails는 Go 및 웹 기술을 사용하여 데스크톱 앱을 작성할 수 있는 프로젝트입니다.

Consider it a lightweight and fast Electron alternative for Go. You can easily build applications with the flexibility and power of Go, combined with a rich, modern frontend.


  • Native Menus, Dialogs, Theming and Translucency
  • Windows, macOS and linux support
  • Built in templates for Svelte, React, Preact, Vue, Lit and Vanilla JS
  • Easily call Go methods from Javascript
  • Automatic Go struct to Typescript model generation
  • No CGO or external DLLs required on Windows
  • Live development mode using the power of Vite
  • Powerful CLI to easily Create, Build and Package applications
  • A rich runtime library
  • Applications built with Wails are Apple & Microsoft Store compliant

varly는 Wails를 사용하여 작성된 MacOS & Windows용 데스크톱 애플리케이션입니다. 보기 좋을 뿐만 아니라 최신 네이티브 앱에서 바라는 기본 메뉴 구성과 반투명도를 사용합니다.

빠른 시작 템플릿

Wails에는 애플리케이션을 빠르게 구성하고 실행할 수 있도록 미리 구성된 여러 템플릿이 함께 제공됩니다. Svelte, React, Vue, Preact, Lit, Vanilla와 같은 프레임워크 템플릿들이 있으며, 각 템플릿에는 Javascript와 Typescript 버전이 있습니다.

Native Elements

Wails uses a purpose built library for handling native elements such as Window, Menus, Dialogs, etc, so you can build good-looking, feature rich desktop applications.

It does not embed a browser, so it is resource efficient. Instead, it uses the native rendering engine for the platform. On Windows, this is the new Microsoft Webview2 library, built on Chromium.

Go & Javascript Interoperability

Wails automatically makes your Go methods available to Javascript, so you can call them by name from your frontend! It even generates Typescript models for the structs used by your Go methods, so you can pass the same data structures between Go and Javascript.

Runtime Library

Wails provides a runtime library, for both Go and Javascript, that handles a lot of the things modern applications need, like Eventing, Logging, Dialogs, etc.

Live Development Experience

Automatic Rebuilds

When you run your application in "dev" mode, Wails will build your application as a native desktop application, but will read your assets from disk. It will detect any changes to your Go code and automatically rebuild and relaunch your application.

Automatic Reloads

When changes to your application assets are detected, your running application will "reload", reflecting your changes almost immediately.

Develop your application in a Browser

If you prefer to debug and develop in a browser then Wails has you covered. The running application also has a webserver that will run your application in any browser that connects to it. It will even refresh when your assets change on disk.

Production-ready Native Binaries

When you're ready to do the final build of your application, the CLI will compile it down to a single executable, with all the assets bundled into it. On Windows and MacOS, it is possible to create a native package for distribution. The assets used in packaging (icon, info.plist, manifest file, etc) are part of your project and may be customised, giving you total control over how your applications are built.


The Wails CLI provides a hassle-free way to generate, build and bundle your applications. It will do the heavy lifting of creating icons, compiling your application with optimal settings and delivering a distributable, production ready binary. Choose from a number of starter templates to get up and running quickly!