バージョン: v2.0.0-beta.44

Developing New Features

We are always keen to add features to Wails and expand on what the project can do. The process for adding new features are as follows:

  • Pick an enhancement ticket with the "TODO" label. It's preferable to select one from the current Backlog but the choice is yours.
  • Before developing, check that the ticket includes the following information:
  • The purpose of the enhancement
  • What is out of scope for the enhancement
  • What platforms the enhancement targets (most features should be cross-platform unless there's a very specific reason)
  • If the ticket does not include this information, feel free to request the information from the person who opened the ticket. Sometimes placeholder tickets are created and require more details
  • Comment on the ticket stating you wish to develop the feature
  • Clone the repository and create a branch with the format feature/<ticket_number>_<ticket_title>
  • New features often require documentation so please ensure you have also added or updated the documentation as part of the changes
  • Once the feature is ready for testing, create a draft PR. Please ensure the PR description has the test scenarios and test cases listed with checkmarks, so that others can know what still needs to be tested.
  • Once all the testing is completed, please update the status of the PR from draft and leave a message.

There is nothing stopping you from opening a ticket and working on it yourself, but please be aware that all enhancement requests are reviewed for good fit. Not all ideas will be selected so it's best to have discussion on the ticket first.


Any PRs opened without a corresponding ticket may be rejected.